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What are the benefits?


Benefits for individual traders:

-           buy and sell without money,

-           be rewarded for your ideas and skills in an informal and flexible way,

-           gain experience, make contacts and contribute to your community.

Benefits for local businesses:

-          contribute to local charities and projects without spending cash,

-          build local profile and footfall,

-          utilise excess inventory with ebarts offers and discounts,

-          barter with other local businesses.

Benefits for charities and community projects:

-          access to a large and varied choice of new ‘volunteers’

-          commission and reward your volunteers,

-          new initiatives can be funded, or part-funded, in ebarts,

-          build links with local businesses and people.

Benefits for communities:

-          connects people with one another,

-          provides a new way of supporting  initiatives,

-          increases local resilience and social capital by ‘bringing social networks to life’.

Benefits for public bodies:

-          provides a new income stream,

-          involves communities in service delivery.

Benefits for micro-finance:

-          provides a currency where debts are high, and money is scarce.

Benefits for the environment:

-          reduces waste and energy consumption by encouraging local trade,

-          enables, connects and expands  ‘collaborative consumption’,  increasing the sharing and re-use of resources.

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