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ebarts is a digital currency which can be used on your mobile phone, on the ebarts website, or on other trading websites, like PayPal. 


Anybody with a mobile can set up an account.  There is a minimal charge on every transaction in ebarts.  There are no costs in sterling for opening or using an account.


What is ebarts for? 


ebarts can be used to buy goods and services from individuals and businesses, or donated to community groups and charities.


Individuals can trade literally anything that they have, can make, or can do, for ebarts.  They can also help community groups or charities in exchange for ebarts.  ebarts provides opportunities for the unemployed, under-employed and retired to use their skills, time, talents and possessions in a flexible and friendly way.


Businesses can use ebarts to exchange goods and services with other businesses or individuals.  They  can also donate ebarts to community groups, and offer discounts, or deals, on goods and services in exchange for ebarts.  This enables local businesses to increase footfall, build a loyal customer base, and contribute to the community without spending cash.


Community groups and charities are given ebarts by individuals and businesses, and use ebarts to pay for whatever goods and services they need. As well as supplementing their income, this increases their pool of volunteers and extends their support networks in the local community. 

What is ebarts?

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